If you'd like to volunteer with the Friends group please feel free to come to our monthly meetings! They are normally held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm.
**Next meeting date - May 23rd - at Pioneer Bank in Ladysmith.* *
We are always in need of extra helping hands at our fundraising events and we'd be very happy to have more volunteers!!!
Want to volunteer hands on with the animals?
Unfortunately, according to animal shelter management and the current animal shelter board members, the shelter only allows volunteers at the shelter on an extremely limited basis; it is said, one per day, and they must be of value. So our role is left to only fundraising and awareness. Hopefully in the future and with a new animal shelter, a more welcoming environment can be established where additional people will be allowed to take on more active and hands on roles.
*It has been suggested by animal shelter management that if you'd still like to volunteer hands on with animals to try another neighboring county's shelter or humane society.
*It has been suggested by animal shelter management that if you'd still like to volunteer hands on with animals to try another neighboring county's shelter or humane society.